The Measure Program partners with governments and institutions in USAID priority countries to strengthen health data and improve data use for decision making in public health. As part of the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Measure Program draws on the university’s rich resources in data science, impact evaluation, and global health.

Performance assessment
We conducted a performance assessment of a USAID-supported project in Ghana designed to provide and scale up accessible, high-quality HIV services to Ghana’s key populations and promote transition of service provision to the Government of Ghana. Read more.

Impact Evaluation
How do we know if a program made a difference? See our Guide to Statistical Methods for Program Impact Evaluation manual, written for public health professionals at programs, government agencies, and NGOs who are the consumers of the information generated by program impact evaluations. Read more.

HIV and adolescents
MEASURE Evaluation researchers led a mixed-methods evaluation of two programs for adolescents orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Botswana to see if adding economic and education components and a focus on HIV prevention made a difference in outcomes on health, financial security, and school completion. Read how its conclusions may inform design of future programs targeting adolescents. Read more.